
My BungeeCord plugin receives nothing from my Spigot plugin

Make sure your secret.key same on BungeeCord and Spigot server. And also make sure you use the same version of PluginQuery.

My Server got hacked

If you share your own secret.key or if you didn't configure this plugin properly then this is not totally the plugin's fault. The plugin has enough kit to prevent this thing to be happened. If you're already configured it properly and still got hacked, then check plugins you have and make sure none of them is a backdoor plugin.

I cannot synchronize my secret key in-game

You must have pluginquery.adminon your bungeecord server and spigot server in order to do this. Also, check your configuration, and make sure lock isn't set to true.

I cannot run /pluginquery

Make sure you have pluginquery.admin in your BungeeCord server

I cannot run /spigotpluginquery

Make sure you have pluginquery.admin in your Spigot server

Last updated