

PluginQuery is a Spigot and BungeeCord plugin that allows plugins to send plugin messages without having to require the player to be online on the server.


Every request is secured using AES encryption algorithm. Meaning, there is no one can seek/peek into your data unless they have your secret key.

Easy Setup

PluginQuery requires a very simple setup that can be understood by everyone. Just simply join your bungeecord server, then connect into your spigot server, and do "/pq sync". It will synchronize both secret.key on BungeeCord and Spigot server. Or you can just copy "secret.key" file from PluginQuery data folder in bungeecord into PluginQuery data folder in spigot server.


PluginQuery uses ZLIB compression algorithm. This means all of your requests are compressed and sent lightly through the network.


PluginQuery affects nothing to your server gameplay as it is run asynchronously (run in another thread).


  • Stop your Spigot and BungeeCord server

  • Place the jar inside plugins folder in Spigot and BungeeCord server

  • Start your Spigot and BungeeCord server

  • Synchronize your key

    • From In-game

      • Join your bungeecord server

      • Do /pq sync

    • Manually

      • Copy your secret.key inside PluginQuery's data folder in your BungeeCord server

      • Paste it inside PluginQuery's data folder in your Spigot server

      • Do /spq reload

  • Do /pq check to check if the server has been successfully connected. If not, please restart your proxy server.

Command and Permissions


/pluginquery, /pq

Allows you to manage PluginQuery (BungeeCord side)

  • reload Reload the config.yml and secret.key

  • check Check active connections

/spigotpluginquery, /spq

Allows you to manage PluginQuery (Spigot side)

  • reload Reload the config.yml and secret.key

  • check Check active connections



Allows you to use /spq and /pq commands and to synchronize your secret.key

Last updated